
smart.thermometry is a software system for controlling the temperature of the product in storage tanks. It can be customized to operate with any modern thermometric equipment (new or already installed) that is fitted with digital sensors and provides an open data exchange protocol.
  • Collecting and displaying data on the grain temperature;
  • Real-time control of the temperature of the grain stored both in the silo or warehouse as a whole and separately in each silo, silo zone, or warehouse zone;
  • Advance alarms based on temperature trends before critical and irreversible processes occur;
  • Archiving data and providing analytical information on grain storage in the past through graphical trends;
  • Working with thermal suspensions based on digital sensors (Dallas Semiconductor) and an open data exchange protocol.

Client-server architecture: up to 10 users from anywhere in the world, 3 users with the basic license. Applying original algorithms for processing and displaying information provides advance warnings of dangerous trends, avoiding grain quality deterioration and accidents. Clarity, colored indication, and intuitive interface. Logging all alarm notifications and operator actions, as well as diagnostics of the system's technical status (presence or absence of communication with the controller and thermal suspensions), thus ensuring reliable operation and easy analysis of events and staff behavior.

Indicator for calculating the cost of the software delivery
Lifetime License
€3 250
Additional account (view only)
Additional cost of implementation and training
Business process re-engineering (As Is -> To Be)
Setting up data exchange and integration between systems
€1 250
Training customer employees to work on updated business processes To Be
Setting up business processes according to additional roles at the request of the Customer

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